secure-by-design IAM Platform

Security that makes guarantees

The only IAM platform architected to deliver security guarantees. 

Our security guarantees:
  • Eliminate successful phishing attacks: Eventually a user will click a malicious link, we can guarantee it will not lead to a breach.

  • Eliminate credential stuffing attacks: No more passwords, password resets, or password fields. Ever. 

  • Eliminate push bombing attacks: Zero dependencies on push notifications for access.

  • Only secure devices are allowed access: Enforce device compliance with fine-grained, real-time, continuous device assessment for managed and unmanaged devices.

  • Real-time 3rd party risk signals for adaptive MFA: Leverage risk telemetry from any security tool to make risk-based access decisions before and during every session. 

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The modern  secure access solution

Go beyond traditional MFA and SSO with a secure access platform that’s built for modern teams and protects against modern risks like no legacy platform can.

No device blind spots.
No doubts.

Monitor device security posture across all devices in your ecosystem  - managed or not - and continuously validate device trust as a separate but equally important component of the identity authentication equation with patented Twin-Auth technology. 

No phishable factors.
No exceptions.

Eliminate, not just reduce, credential-based risks with next-generation MFA that only ever uses phish-resistant factors for authentication, including biometric checks and hardware-protected keys.

No silos.
No bottlenecks.

Give trusted right users and devices instant access to the right applications and data with secure SSO that makes it easy to deploy, configure and enforce policies consistently.

Workforce Secure Access Platform

Get all the tools teams need to detect, protect, prevent and manage access risks with ease and accuracy. 

  • icon5 Access risk detection for users, devices and apps
  • Passwordless, continuous, phish-resistant MFA
  • Secure SSO
  • Continuous policy monitoring and enforcement


Beyond Comparison

  Beyond Identity Traditional IAM
User Experience Asset 3


Seamless authentication process that lets users login to their their apps they same way they login to their device (faceID, touchID, local PIN). 



Multiple actions are required from users including copying codes, clicking links, or resolving push notifications slowing down productivity.

Phishing Resistant Authentication Asset 3

100% Phishing Resistant

Authentication always uses phishing-resistant factors. Never falls back to phishable factors.


Relies on Phishable Factors

Relies on or falls back to phishable factors that can be hijacked and compromised by attckers

Passwordless Experience Asset 3

100%  Passwordless

Single-device passwordless MFA across all devices and operating systems.

NoRelies on Passwords

Requires passwords that can be compromised and/or a second device for authentication.

Device Posture Assurance Asset 3


Continuous validation and enforcement of security controls across both managed and unmanaged devices.


Doesn’t exist

No ability to evaluate fine-grained device risk at time of authentication or during active sessions. 

Continuous Authentication Asset 3


Continuously validates risk post-login and instantly takes action when detecting unauthorized system actions or non-compliant device changes. 


Authentication checks primarily at login, missing ongoing risks, exposing the system for lateral movments

Security Stack Integration

Asset 3Fully Integrated

Integrates with dozens of MRM, EDR/XDR, and ZTNA tools, visualizing insights within the platform to support risk-based access decision-making.


Typically does not support integrations across the security stack. Where it exists, shallow integration depth allows no enforcement capabilities. 

Optional eyebrow

Simply secure access, for the age of zero trust

  • Decomplicate

    Let the right people access the right systems and data, without imposing security as an accountability or a roadblock.


    Pinpoint and manage access risks in real time, anywhere  in your environment.



    Eliminate, not just reduce, access risks with continuous MFA that guarantees user and device trust and confirms security posture compliance prior to access.



    Enable and protect productivity with secure SSO that easy to configure, easy to admin, and easy to deploy consistently.

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Stop detecting threats. Start preventing them.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with identity and access security.